Packet Switching Networks-2
UNIT II- Packet Switching Networks-2
Link-State Algorithm
• Basic idea: two stage procedure
• Each source node gets a map of all nodes and link metrics (link state) of the entire network
-Learning who the neighbors are and what are delay to them
- Construct a link state packet, and deliver it to other
• Find the shortest path on the map from the source node to all destination nodes;
-Dijkstras algorithm Broadcast of link-state information
-Every node i in the network broadcast to every other node in the network:
• It requires each link cost to be positive
• The main idea is to progressively identify the closest nodes from source node in order of increasing path cost
• The algorithm is iterative.
• The algorithm can be implemented by maintaining a set of N permanently labeled nodes, which consists of those nodes whose shortest paths have been determined.
• At each iteration the next closest node is added to the set N and the distance to the remaining nodes via the new node is evaluated.
Dijkstra Algorithm:
Finding shortest paths in order
· N: set of nodes for which shortest path already found
· Initialization: (Start with source node s)
· N = {s}, Ds = 0, “s is distance zero from itself”
· Dj=Csj for all j ¹ s, distances of directly-connected neighbors
· Step A: (Find next closest node i)
- · Find i Ï N such that
- · Di = min Dj for j Ï N
- · Add i to N
- · If N contains all the nodes, stop
· Step B: (update minimum costs)
- · For each node j Ï N
- · Dj = min (Dj, Di+Cij)
- · Go to Step A
Execution of Dijkstra’s algorithm
Assignment Questions
1. Why is packet switching more suitable than message switching for interactive applications? Compare the delays in datagram packet switching and message switching. (Jan 10, 6M) (Dec 12 10 M)
2. Differentiate between virtual circuits and datagram subnets.
(July 09, 10M)(AUG 02,Feb 06 6M) (July 07, 5M)
3. Define routing. Explain Bellman-Ford routing algorithm with necessary illustration. What are the drawbacks of this algorithm? (Aug 06, 10M) (June 12 10 M)
4. Explain Bellman-Ford routing algorithm with necessary illustration. What are the drawbacks of this algorithm?
(Aug 06, 10M) (June 12 10 M)
Find the shortest path for below diagrams. Destination node is E for Fig1 and Destination node is 6 for Fig2
6. Compare the Bellman –Ford algorithm and Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding the shortest paths from a source node to all other nodes in a network.
7. Good news spreads fast; bad news propagates slowly in bellman ford algorithm.
Explain with an example.
8. Write short notes on i) Flooding ii) Deflection Routing iii) Hierarchical routing.
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